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For a Debian system, you can install the dependencies this way:
% apt-get update % apt-get install libtimedate-perl libnet-netmask-perl libberkeleydb-perl
Debian has the script as a package, so you should be able to just do this:
% apt-get install pop-before-smtp
You can then manually update the script to a newer version, if you so desire (but be careful to preserve the non-standard changes to the script that the Debian package makes).
For a Gentoo Linux system, run a command like this as root:
% emerge dev-perl/{TimeDate,Net-Netmask,DB_File}
For an RPM-based system, you can often get packages via yum or urpmi. Try a command like this:
% yum install perl-TimeDate perl-Net-Netmask perl-DB_File
or maybe this:
% urpmi perl-TimeDate perl-Net-Netmask perl-DB_File
There are other software-update packages that your system might use, such as "up2date". Use the one that is appropriate for your system.
You can also search for the packages on an RPM site like rpmfind.net.
If the hints above didn't work for you or you just want to install things without using packages, see this web page on creating manual-dependencies.
Run these commands (if using the default install locations):
% cp pop-before-smtp.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/pop-before-smtp % cp pop-before-smtp /usr/sbin/ % cp pop-before-smtp-conf.pl /etc
Look for this:
# Set the log file we will watch for pop3d/imapd records. #$file_tail{'name'} = '/var/log/maillog';
If the mentioned file is not the correct one that your email server uses to log when someone has authenticated, you can uncomment the second line and tweak its value (note that the code immediately following these lines might find your logfile automatically -- it searches for several other values).
Take a look at the $pat definitions in the pop-before-smtp-conf.pl file and uncomment the one for the mail server that you're running - if you're running Linux it's probably going to be the $pat denoted by: "# For UW ipop3d/imapd" (this is also the default if no $pat is uncommented in the config file). Make sure you uncomment all the lines from the "$pat = " start down to the nearest ';' for your pattern of choice (this is usually 2-3 lines).
If you're using Postfix and need to use a custom DB style or a different dbfile path, feel free to edit that into the file as well.
If you're not using Postfix, you'll hopefully find your SMTP software mentioned near the end of the config file. Comment out the two surrounding =cut lines for the section you want to enable. For instance, sendmail users would enable the "Sendmail SMTP" section.
If you choose to skip the install step above and do some testing first, put this option first in the following commands:
This command will dump the value of the main options so that you can verify that you've got your configuration right:
% ./pop-before-smtp --dumpconfig
This command will test that your $pat choice is right:
% ./pop-before-smtp --debug --nowrite --reprocess
You should see messages about what IPs the script finds and which ones it considers local and non-local. (Press Ctrl-C to abort the script when you've seen enough.) If you didn't see any IP mentions, either you don't have any POP/IMAP connections in the file, or you don't have the right $pat variable uncommented. Check the maillog file manually to see what's up and then retest until things look good.
You should enable the pop-before-smtp script to run at boot time. On RedHat systems you'd do this by running this:
chkconfig pop-before-smtp on
Then, start the script going:
% /etc/init.d/pop-before-smtp start
Verify that the DB file has been created. If you're not sure where to look, run "pop-before-smtp --dumpconfig" and look at the "dbfile" value. The actual created filename may have a suffix on it (such as ".db"), so append a '*' on the end of the name when you look for it. Some examples:
ls -l /etc/mail/pop* ls -l /etc/postfix/pop* ls -l /var/lib/pop-before-smtp/hosts*
This file should have a fairly recent modification date (as it should have just been created). If it does not, see the debugging info on this page:
For Postfix:
Look in your /etc/postfix/main.cf for "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" -- add this somewhere into that line:
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp
If you don't already have an "smtpd_recipient_restrictions" in your main.cf, add this one as it works pretty well:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,reject_non_fqdn_recipient, check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp, reject_unauth_destination
For Sendmail:
You need to tweak your config to use the IPs contained in the database. Remember that sendmail is very particular about tabs, so be careful in what you type when updating the config files.
One of the easiest ways to set things up for a modern sendmail is to put an M4 macro file in the "hack" dir on your system, which is typically here:
The one that the sendmail folks themselves suggest using is found here:
A modified version of popauth.m4 that Alain Knaff tweaked to add some SPF compatibility is found in the contrib dir of the source. (See its comments for its added POP_B4_SMTP_ISAUTH option.)
To use either of these macro files, put a copy in the hack dir on your system and then add these lines to your sendmail.mc file:
define(`POP_B4_SMTP_TAG', `')dnl HACK(`popauth')dnl
Note that these rules expect the database to be /etc/mail/popauth, so be sure to set that as the dbfile in your pop-before-smtp-conf.pl file.
For Other SMTP Software:
Please let me know what it requires so I can include it here.
For postfix, you would type "postfix reload" (as root).
For sendmail I think you need generate a new sendmail.cf file from your macro files, but I don't know how to tell sendmail to reload its config (please let me know so I can update this).
After you access your POP mailbox (from a non-local IP, of course!) you should find that the modification date on the DB file has been updated. You can see the current contents of the database by running this:
pop-before-smtp --list
If the IP is not there, see the debugging info on this page:
The next thing to test is to try to send a relayed email (one that is not addressed to the SMTP host's domain) to make sure that your SMTP software has opened up relaying for your IP.
Finally, you should test that something hasn't gone wrong with your setup to make it an open relay. The easiest way is to use the tests provided by mail-abuse.org. From a shell on your SMTP system, run this command:
telnet relay-test.mail-abuse.org
This will take a few seconds to sort itself out then the test will begin back to the same IP that you connected from (there is no prompting). You'll see the test output scroll by, and at the end you should see a summary of "System appeared to reject relay attempts" if everything is OK.
These tests do NOT blacklist you if you are "open", so no worries about being RBL'ed if it is found that you are running as an open-relay -- just fix the problem and re-run the tests.
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